sabato 23 gennaio 2010

Oh, Vivienne.

Yesterday I was wandering aimlessly around my school library when my eyes met a magical book.
The Vivienne Westwood book.

I slowly opened it (well, not so slowly, but you know, it was a mystical moment) and It was pure love.
She's one of my favourite fashion designers, not only for her unconventional and punk style, but also for her artistic influences and for her political activism: she has strong ideas, she's the possibility to make her voice heard because of her fame, and she doesn't shut up.
She's the living proof that fashion isn't just glamour but also a way to express ideas.

The book:

And after all these amazing photos,the outfit of the week:

-vintage coat (I'm in love with this coat, really)

-h&m long t-shirt

-animalier pullover

-embroidered tights ( and white tights for the biting cold)

-over the knee socks

-blue brogues

Good bye everyone, have a nice week-end!!

martedì 19 gennaio 2010

Current style inspiration

Iekeliene Stange is my fashion icon right now.
The dutch model has a funny and colorful style, the result of the combination of vintage and runway clothes and the natural model allure. She looks like a girl who wears exactly what she wants and shouts to the world "Yes, I'm wearing about two million colours, so what?"
I like that,ah!
The model allure is obviously unreachable, but I would be content with her wardrobe and her vintage collection.
Yes, I'm a pretty unpretentious girl.

venerdì 15 gennaio 2010

Oh, girls just wanna have fun

Today I feel so rock.
I'm in a sex-drugs-rock'n'roll mood, but with no drugs of course.
So Kate Hudson in Almost famous.
Grace Coddington also thought about rock and groupies when she styled the january rock editorial in Vogue US. I love this editorial, Sasha Pivovarova is so amazing surrounded by Rock Star, and the Givenchy blazer is worth to die.

When I think about Rock in fashion, the number one is of course Vivienne Westwood, but I recently discovered an english designer named JJ Noki, who designed a collection in 2008 and showed it on the Fashion East catwalk.
I think I'm in love. That's absolutely amazing, he uses recycles finds and the result is an underground-rock mood. The dirty and filthy feeling seem so appealing when I look at this collection!

And I love Paul Burgess too.He's an illustrator, designer and photographer, he worked with Sex Pistols (Oh!Gods!) and his creations are influenced by Rock and by his english roots.God save the queen!

Of course, I have to finish my Rock round-up with the Cindy Lauper Barbie. I've grown up among myriads of Barbie (I admit it, my love for the Barbie is endless, even if I'm 20 years old) and this one isn't in my collection!that's not ok,no no...


martedì 12 gennaio 2010

A beer, thank you.

Exams-time, so I'm pretty boring, bitchy and sarcastic right now. But I'm justified right???
So, just because I've plenty of time (!) and I have to waste it, I went for a walk and it happened that I accidentally went in the Rinascente. If you don't know what Rinascente is, it's a store in Milan where you can spend, and spend, and spend money and want more clothes, and junks and a lot of other stupid but absolutely fundamental things.
What a wonderful world!!
The baby birds started immediately to sing and the world became a better place.
What a joy for my eyes, what a plenty of inspiration!
The Design Supermarket is like Wonderland, I think I spent about two hours taking photos.I saw an old lady looking at me and thinking "Is this girl ok?".I could see it through her face.

But I actually am! Of course.

These glasses are the masterpiece.

But you can get a lot of inspiration looking at these too:

That's my friend's hand.


And that's my new handbag! I coudn't resist, it's so optical and sixties-style, and I feel so Twiggy with it! Do you like it??

See you soon!!!

domenica 10 gennaio 2010


First english post!Wooo

That's what I noticed while I was studying for my History of Art course.
Two Artists, same ispiration: everything is reduced to bones.
Frightening and intriguing at the same time.
Casa Batllò, Gaudi, Barcelona

Alexander McQueen, S/S 2010

[photo credit:, wikipedia]

sabato 9 gennaio 2010

Sooo inspiring # 2

Chi mi segue da qualche post avrà capito che sono una piccola nerd che passa il suo tempo a cercare nuove tendenze e ispirazioni. è decisamente diventato il mio sito preferito, trovo stupenda tutta questa fervente fantasia che viene messa in pratica per creare pezzi assolutamente unici.
Vi posto alcune delle cose che più mi sono piaciute.
Penso che potrei uccidere per la borsa con attaccate delle farfalle, è così soffice e romantica che mi verrebbe voglia di mangiarla.

Chi segue Tavi la conoscerà già (da notare anche la t-shirt di Tavi nella prima foto)...adoro le sue creazioni di maglia. In realtà, se si possiedono della conoscenze sulla tecnica a maglia, non dovrebbero essere difficilissime da fare.
Non potendo contare però su mie abilità (per quanto sia terribilmente allettata da un quadretto di me che faccio la maglia circondata dai miei 25 gatti) ho già mentalmente chiesto alla nonna di farmi qualcosa del genere. Appena possibile posterò foto!

La collana di tessuto multicolor è assoltamente fantastica, DA AVERE.

Nota di servizio: dal prossimo post non scriverò più in italiano ma in inglese, perchè per quanto io sia molto orgogliosa della mia patria,della pizza, degli spaghetti e via dicendo, il resto del mondo è inglese. Perciò, Addio Italia, Hello World.

Buona serata!